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Basel Remains Sole Swiss Team In Top 15

Swiss Football Suffers in UEFA Club Rankings

Basel Remains Sole Swiss Team in Top 15

New UEFA Formula Dampens Swiss Hopes

Zurich - Swiss football has taken a hit in the latest UEFA club rankings, with only Basel remaining in the top 15. The UEFA coefficient determines the number of teams each country can send to European competitions. Switzerland's decline is largely due to the new UEFA format for the 2024-25 season, which will place a greater emphasis on long-term performance.

Last season, Switzerland had a coefficient of 31.675, placing it 15th in the rankings. However, the new formula will not consider results from the 2020-21 and 2021-22 seasons, which saw Swiss teams perform well. As a result, Switzerland is projected to drop to 19th in the rankings by the end of the 2023-24 season.

This decline is a major concern for Swiss football. With fewer teams in European competitions, Swiss clubs will have less opportunities to earn UEFA points and improve their ranking. This could lead to a vicious cycle, where Switzerland's排名下降导致俱乐部更少的欧洲比赛机会,从而导致排名进一步下降。

Basel, the reigning Swiss champions, is the only Swiss team currently ranked in the top 15. They will need to continue performing well in European competitions if Switzerland is to avoid further decline in the UEFA rankings.
